All You Need To Know About Buying Coral Online In Canada

Coral frags have been the new talk of the town for many coral enthusiasts and people new to corals and pisciculture. Many people are looking forward to buying Corals online in Canada , and if you're planning to buy corals online in Canada, then there are some things that you should know beforehand. What are those points? They are mentioned below. 1- The corals are shipped When you buy coral frags, these corals are directly shipped from the vendor to your doorstep. The corals that need to be delivered are shipped a day before delivery. This ensures that the consumer does not undergo any stress, tank transitions, or annoyance that the corals were not delivered on time. 2- The website should give a guarantee for the coral The website delivering the coral should guarantee that the corals won't go bad after delivering them to the consumer. Usually, the websites offer a three-day guarantee for their delivery of the corals. If the corals are not in good condition within o...