Your Compact Guide to Helping Your Hammer Corals Thrive

Introducing clownfishes in a hammer coral colony has a lot of perks. They not only eat the parasites but protect the hammer corals from the other fishes in the tank while they are hosting it. But, just because clownfishes are helping your hammer corals doesn’t mean you should take care of other things externally. Below are some things you might want to do for your hammer corals in Canada . Placement Keep hammer corals away from extremes, such as any excessively bright regions, strong currents or dark regions with weak winds. Also, hammer corals are known for assaulting the neighbours through their tentacles. Keep them several inches away from other corals. Light needs Offer your hammer coral with moderate amounts of lights for photosynthesis so they can thrive in your aquarium. Any LED reef illumination can prove enough for the same. Water flow Similar to the light, the water flow should be kept on moderate flow as well. Just the perfect flow where the polyps can swing in the stream is...