What Are LPS Corals, And Should You Get Them?

There are so many types of different corals in the ocean. And if you are a coral lover or enthusiast, then you might have heard of LPS corals. They are very popular among those who have the coral hobby and are loved by many collectors. But if you are new to corals, you might not have much information about LPS corals in Canada . First, let us understand LPS corals. LPS corals are the ones that have stony skeletons. They are made up of large polyps and calcium carbonate. 1- If you look at an LPS, you will find that they look like a cross between soft coral and small polyp coral. If we talk about the maintenance and care of the LPS corals, then they require moderate to low water flow and lightning and can feed onto meaty foods directly. 2- You should bear in mind that when the LPS corals polyps are inflated as they can break when you remove them. Also, make sure you don’t keep LPS close to other corals, as LPS are quite territorial and might even battle with them. 3- Before you buy LPS c...