Hammer Coral Placement: Where to Position Your Coral in Your Tank

Hammer coral shops in canada , called Euphyllia ancora, is a well-known and stunning expansion to any reef aquarium. The main calculation guaranteeing the well-being and development of your coral is the legitimate position in your tank. This article will examine the ideal hammer coral position for ideal health and growth. 1. Water flow Water Flow is critical, considering its position. Coral favours moderate areas of strength for water flow. It also takes into account sufficient oxygen and nutrient trade. Placing it in an area with too little or a lot of water flow can bring about chronic weakness and bleaching. 2. Lighting Lighting is one more significant figure in its placement. It expects moderate to high light levels to thrive. Setting your coral in a space with too little or excess light can bring about unfortunate growth or colouration. Finding harmony between the...