Unlocking the Beauty of SPS Coral: A Dive into Vibrant Reef Care

Small Polyp Stony coral (also known as SPS coral) serves as an excellent centerpiece for those reef enthusiasts looking for a colorful underwater display. SPS (small polyp stony) corals are a beautiful and rewarding challenge for aquarists characterized by complex branching growth and bright coloration. But these beauties come with certain needs that require some extra care. · Understanding SPS Coral Needs H igh-quality SPS corals for reef tanks require pristine water over a relatively small stable range. These corals cannot tolerate changes in temperature, salinity, and pH. Thanks to their natural habitats and adaptation over a long period of time, these fish can handle a variety of water where the parameters are kept consistent, such as a 75-78 F temperature, 1.025-1.026 salinity, and 8.1-8.4 pH. Also, strong water flow is important to get nutrients and oxygen to the coral and efficiently remove waste. · The Role of Lighting Lighting also has a key impact on the grow...