Three Best LPS Coral Every Beginner Must Invest In

Are you just getting started as a coral hobbyist? Well, we are sure you must have prepared yourself with the right knowledge on how to get started, what to do and what not to make the corals thrive.

But were you completely taken aback by the number of LPS coral options available to begin the journey?

Let us help you here. Below is the list of the top three best LPS corals for beginners that make the journey worthy.

Hammer coral

Sometimes referred to as anchor coral, hammer coral comes in various colours and adds a lot of motion to the reef tank.

They can be slightly more demanding than any other LPS corals; therefore, offering a recommended dose of calcium, alkalinity, and other elements is vital.

Also, keep enough room when placing hammer corals with neighbouring corals because their tentacles can reach up to six inches at night.

Candy cane coral

Candy cane corals are also known as trumpet corals. They aren’t very demanding, meaning they adapt well in any reef aquarium, irrespective of their placement. Plus, their shorter sweeper tentacles make them the well-mannered and best choice to be placed with neighbouring corals.

Torch coral

As their name suggests, torch corals have long multi-coloured tentacles with a yellow ball shape on the tip.

They can be demanding; therefore, meeting their expectations is vital to keep them thriving. Also, don’t place them too close to other corals because they can sting them.

Signing off

Are you interested in investing in either of the above-mentioned corals? Well, look no further than Frag Garage to purchase healthy and bright hammer coral in Canada at never-seen-before prices.

To know more details about Online Hammer Coral in Canada please visit our website: 


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