Hammer Coral Treatment for Happy Reefing

Hammer corals are a well-known large polyp stony coral (LPS) that has been popular in the hobby for many years. They can be found in various colours and growth forms throughout the Pacific reefs.

Some hammer corals grow in a wall formation, while others grow in a branching formation. Either variety makes an excellent showpiece coral for a reef aquarium, but the branching varieties grow faster.

Please see below for additional hammer coral care tips, as well as our Top 5 Suggestions for Setting Up a Reef with hammer coral in Canada:


Light is not as important to hammer coral, Torches, and Frogspawn as it is to some other corals. It can be kept under normal output fluorescent lights with little difficulty.

Flow of water

Water movement ranging from moderate to vigorous is recommended. One of the most appealing aspects of this type of LPS coral is the way it sways in the current.

The chemistry of water

To grow their calcium carbonate skeletons, hammer corals require constant calcium, alkalinity, and, to a lesser extent, magnesium.


Euphyllia, like most coral, relies heavily on the products of their zooxanthellae, but in our expertise, they also benefit from direct feeding.

Aggression of corals

Corals evolved a variety of adjustments to achieve a competitive edge in the battle for reef real estate.


This blog on hammer coral in Canada should have been useful to you. Hammer corals are a popular coral in the reef-keeping hobby and, with a little care and diligence, can be successfully kept by aquarists of all levels, including those who are new to the hobby. Happy reefing until next time!

To know more details about Coral Torches in Canada please visit our website: fraggarage.ca


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