Key Differences Between Hammer Corals and Frogspawn Corals

Two varieties of giant polyp stony coral are hammer coral and frogspawn coral. They come from various geographical locations, nevertheless, and have various appearances.

If you are a beginner to reefing looking to buy hammer coral in Canada, you should know how to differentiate between the different types of corals. This blog provides the key differences between hammer corals and frogspawn corals.


Frogspawn corals have a ball-shaped stem, whereas hammer corals, also known as anchor coral, have a foot-shaped stem to which the polyps adhere. In addition to having more branches than hammer corals, frogspawn also occupies more space and has fewer polyps overall on each branch.


Hammer corals often come in around 11 inches and have green or neon metallic colours with a brownish tint (30 cm).

Between four inches (10 cm) to nine inches long, frogspawn corals have a slight green colour (23 cm). They can also be identified by the colony's widespread distribution of rounded, green polyps.

Coral polyps

Hammer corals can be identified by their huge polyps, which can grow to a length of over two inches and resemble floating jellyfish because of the way they spin together irregularly. They have hammer-shaped points and are green or light pink/purple.

Coral polyps called "frogspawn corals" have the appearance of frogs or tadpoles. They lie on their sides at random intervals just below the water's surface. Frogspawn corals can grow from one inch to four inches, depending on their environment and food depending on their environment and food.

Wrap up

Looking at the features mentioned above, you can tell apart hammer corals and frogspawn corals. If you wish to buy hammer corals in Canada, please get in touch with Frag Garage.

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