Smart Tips to care for Hammer corals

A reef aquarium must have coral species hammer coral. They come in a variety of colours and give your tank a lot of life and movement. Hammer Corals in Canada has three different growth types. A large branching semi-wall type, a wall type, and a branching type.

They should be given space to spread out because they are abrasive corals. Other corals they come into contact with will be harmed or killed by their tentacles.

Fortunately, a Hammer Coral can be arranged in lovely hammer gardens. However, they should still have some space between them and other euphyliia, such as frogspawn or torch corals. While it's okay if the tentacles lightly touch, you should try to keep the skeletons apart.

Hammer corals thrive in conditions with medium light and flow. You want just enough current to keep them clean and dancing in the current, but not too much that they can't open.

They can't clean themselves if there isn't enough low flow, which makes them vulnerable to bacterial infections. Angelfish are likely to pick on hammer corals in your aquarium, so it is not a good idea to keep them there.

The main predator of Hammer Coral in Canada is a large flatworm that lives on the base and slowly consumes them. Fortunately, they are difficult to miss and can be killed with a quick coral dip because they move slowly, reproduce, and are quite large.

With some coral glue, the eggs can be easily destroyed because they are so obvious. Wrasses in your aquarium will aid in the eradication of flatworms that consume euphyllia.

To wrap up

Get your Hammer Coral in Canada from Frag Garage and create your own coral land with ease.

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