A Brief Overview of Hammer Coral in Canada

The Hammer Coral is an example of the genus of corals known as LPS corals. These initials, "big polyp stony," describe a type of coral characterized by a tough, rocky exterior and the production of massive polyps that grow from the coral's stony, rigid foundation.

In this blog, you will learn about the Hammer Coral in Canada and how to care for it in an aquarium properly.


To secure objects to the seafloor, the tentacles of Hammer Coral have another name: Anchor Coral. A member of the family Caryophyllidae Rock-like in appearance, Hammer Coral in Canada is an LPS. Coral's stony texture and stable foundation are the results of calcification.

Hammer Coral is entirely covered in polyps. Polyps spread out from the rigid base. They move around the aquarium with the help of the current. Strike a Blow to Coral (Euphyllia ancora) The northern Ocean is the source of this coral.

Routine Behaviour

Hammer Coral may seem like an unusual example in the ongoing "plant vs. animal" discussion. It's not a mammal or a fish, but it acts and looks like one. Even though the Hammer Coral doesn't swim, the water currents propel its polyps around quite a bit. When provoked, the Hammer Coral reacts with extreme hostility.


In contrast to soft corals, the Hammer Coral in Canada has a rocky basis. Its trunk expands to reveal many tentacles. It has two names since it serves as a hammer and an anchor. The colors of hammer coral can range. It could be light brown, dark brown, green, or black. Polyp tentacles emit a green or gold light when exposed to actinic radiation.

Environments inside the Tanks

Placing the Hammer Coral near the tank's rim will cause it to rot. It requires a large amount of room above the base to allow the polyps freedom of movement without disturbing the other fish.


There is no reason not to keep the Hammer Coral if your aquarium can meet all of its requirements. It is a stunning addition to any marine tank. Please visit fraggarage to know more about it. For more details on Hammer Coral in Canada, you can visit our website and get in touch with top industry experts.

To know more details about LPS Corals in Canada please visit our website: fraggarage.ca


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