How Will You Provide Basic Care to Hammer Coral?

Hammer corals, also known as Euphyllia Ancora, are large polyp stony (LPS) coral commonly kept in reef aquariums. It is native to the Indo-Pacific region and is found in shallow waters.

The hammer corals get their name from the hammer-like shape of their tentacles, which extend outward from a central stalk. The tentacles have small stinging cells, called nematocysts that capture small prey, such as plankton.

The hammer corals require moderate to high light and moderate water flow in an aquarium setting. It is generally considered a hardy and easy-to-care-for coral, making it a popular choice for beginner and experienced hobbyists.

However, you must take some suggestive steps to care for hammer corals.

Here is the basic care you must provide to hammer coral in Canada.

1- Water Quality

Hammer coral requires stable and high-quality water conditions to thrive. Regular water changes and testing ensure the water parameters are within appropriate ranges. This includes maintaining proper temperature, salinity, pH, and alkalinity levels.

2- Water flow

Hammer coral requires moderate water flow, ideally 5 to 10 times the tank volume per hour. This can help ensure that waste and debris do not accumulate on the coral and help deliver nutrients to the coral.

3- Feeding

Hammer corals obtain most of their nutrition through photosynthesis, but they can also benefit from supplemental feedings of plankton and other small foods. This can be done once or twice per week.

Conclusion Take

By following these basic care requirements, hammer corals can be a beautiful and thriving addition to a reef aquarium.

To get hammer coral in Canada, connect with Frag Garage. We provide plenty of selection choices for all your preferences. Go through our website and give us a call if any queries.

To know more details about Miami Hurricane Chalice Species Coral in Canada please visit our website:


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